ECON 101: Principles of Microeconomics
Elements of the theory of microeconomics and of Canadian institutions and policy concerning markets, market behaviour, prices, costs, exchange of trade, competition and monopoly, and distribution of income.
ECON 102: Principles of Macroeconomics
Elements of the theory of macroeconomics and of Canadian institutions and policy concerning the cycles of business and economic growth, national income accounting, interest and exchange rates, money and banking, and the balance of trade.
ECON 205: Current Canadian and Global Economic Issues
This course studies current global economic issues which impact the Canadian economy. These issues relate mostly to international trade, exchange rates and capital flows but can include environmental issues such as global warming, shifts to clean and renewable energy, political instability in countries with trade and other relationships with Canada, formation of regional trading areas such as USMCA, and the shift of trade from developed to emerging economies. Other relevant topics covered include the behavior of world interest rates and changes in global financial institutions or reserve currencies.
ECON 206: Money and Banking
The course introduces students to the economics of money, banking and financial markets in the Canadian context. It covers areas of financial markets, financial Institutions, management of financial institutions, central banking and the conduct of monetary policy, international finance and monetary policy. Specifically, it analyses a broad range of topics including the behavior, risk and term structure of interest rates; financial structure and regulations; banking and management of financial institutions; the central bank and roles played the banking systems during the financial crises; the central bank’s use of monetary policy to influence the economy; and the principles of foreign exchange market in international finance.