ENGL 099: Introduction to Academic Writing Skills
Students study and practise critical reading skills and academic writing skills, including generating ideas, creating thesis statements, outlining, drafting, revising, editing, and proofreading. Students apply the writing process to the composition of paragraphs and short essays.
ENGL 120: Introduction to Literary Genres
This is a first-year, second-semester course, which introduces students to the major literary genres: prose fiction, poetry, and drama. Through a study of selected texts, students learn and practise the fundamentals of university-level literary study and the skills to think and write critically about literature. The course is designed to prepare students for more specialized courses in English at the second-year level.
ENGL 150: Academic Research and Writing
This is a first-year course that introduces students to academic research and writing. Each section focuses on a specific topic and explores how knowledge on that topic is produced and communicated in different disciplines. Designed to familiarize students with the methods, motives, and discursive moves of scholarly inquiry and conversation, this course will involve students in reading and critically evaluating peer-reviewed sources, writing in a variety of academic genres, communicating their own research, and reviewing the work of peers. As apprentice scholars, students will be expected to have reading and writing skills appropriate to university-level discourse, and to uphold the standards of academic honesty, including responsible citation practice.
ENGL 216: Contemporary Children's and Young Adult Literature
In this course, students will study young adult literature written in the last thirty years. Rather than seeing young adult literature as an apolitical tool for teaching literacy skills, this class will argue that young adult literature is inherently political. Many of the most innovative authors working in the field today are also doing activist work. The class will take an intersectional approach to the study of the representations of race, class, gender, and sexuality in contemporary young adult film, graphic novels, and young adult novels.
ENGL 228: Literature and Visual Arts
ENGL 228 (3) Literature and Visual Arts In this course students will study the historically complex relationship between literature and the visual arts as it manifests itself in the works of literary and visual artists in Britain, North America and beyond. Students will study autonomous visual works inspired by texts, visual works intended to remain within a written text as visual companions to it, writers influenced by visual art traditions and theoretical positions, and authors who are both visual and literary artists and thus practitioners of both “languages.”
ENGL 230: Classical and Biblical Texts and Literature
English literature has been profoundly influenced by the language, genres, narrative patterns and imagery of Biblical and classical writing. This course surveys a number of the most important works of these two traditions, including The Odyssey (Homer), The Aeneid (Virgil), and various readings from the Hebrew Scriptures and New Testament. It also explores how themes and forms from these works have been taken up in literature in other time periods. This course is loosely structured around the human concerns of home, belonging, and exile that emerge across time, from the ancients to the twentieth-century.
Prerequisite: 6 credits of 100-level ENGL
ENGL 231: English Literature to 1750
Students in this second-year course study works by a number of major British authors before 1750. The course forms a foundation for the further study of English literature, and is required for an English Major at many universities, including the University of British Columbia. Historical and literary backgrounds are discussed for all of the texts. Of particular interest is the interrelationships between different modes of performance both at the time of the works’ composition and currently.
ENGL 232: English Literature (1750 – Present)
An exploration of English literature by studying and writing upon selected works from the mid-eighteenth century to the present. The major focus of this course is the continued evolution of the various literary genres as they reflect and record the development of ideologies and ideas.
Prerequisite: CCC ENGL 150 and 120 or 6 equivalent credits of 1st-yr ENGL
ENGL 233: Canadian Literature
The study of selected works of Canadian writers, including fiction, poetry, drama, and non-fiction prose, from the colonial period until the present. Ethnic, immigrant, and First Nations literature may all be included.
ENGL 234: American Literature
The study of selected works of American writers, including fiction, poetry, drama, and non-fiction prose, from the colonial period until the present. Ethnic, immigrant, and Native American literature may all be included.