Film Studies

FILM 100: Intro to Film and Media Studies

Intro to Film is a course designed to introduce you to the language, theory and aesthetics of film. During this course, we will focus on thinking critically and writing intelligently about film. As we view a broad spectrum of film styles and genres from cinematic history, we will explore cinemas role as an artistic, social and meaning-­making force. Our aim is to present new ways of understanding, analyzing and appreciating film and all its visual, aural and narrative conventions.

FILM 210: History of Cinema I (1895-1930)

The course covers the history and historiography of cinema’s formative years. Lectures and weekly screenings investigate the technological, narrative, and artistic developments from 1895 through the transition to sound.

FILM 220: History of Cinema II (1930s to the Present)

This course examines the expansion of the modern cinema, its modes of production, and its role as a manufacturer of culture. These issues (and others) are discussed within a comparative context in which the dominant practices of the American film industry are contrasted to developments in World Cinema. Emphasis is placed on the achievements of directors who are representative of major trends, genres and styles of each historic period.

FILM 230: Film and Religion

Religion echoes humanity’s spiritual search for meaning and truth while film projects humanity’s deepest hopes and fears on-screen. But what happens when the two worlds of religion and film overlap and engage one another in conversation? This course examines film as a window for contemplating religious meaning in contemporary culture; it focuses on how filmmakers have borrowed from religion to articulate various cultural and aesthetic ideas, concerns, and stories. This course examines explicit and implicit religious film narratives, using a broad cross-section of genres- from Jesus’ movies to secular sci-fi flicks -and a wide range of denominational lenses and imaginations. The course combines film screenings and discussion with accompanying readings and lectures.

FILM 233: Film Production

This course provides students with an overview of film and video production and surveys all aspects related to the industry. Students gain essential skills through lecture, demonstration, and workshops.

Prerequisite: CCC English 150 or equivalent

FILM 283: Introduction to the Screenplay

Drawing on Aristotle’s six elements of drama, students learn to identify and employ the “poetics” of screenwriting as they analyze screenplays and write their own. Students are introduced to cinematic narrative, including act structure, character development, dialogue, as well as, the correct cinematic application of plot, setting, theme, tone, and genre.