
GEOG 102: Introduction to Physical Geography: Weather and Climate

A study of the basic principles of climate, hydrology, geomorphology, and biogeography, including human induced changes. Laboratory exercises required.

GEOG 103: Introduction to Physical Geography: Landforms and Vegetation

A study of the physical and biological processes governing the evolution and distribution of landforms, soils, and vegetation of the Earth, and the impact of humans. This course is an introduction to geomorphology, the scientific study of the landscape and landscape formation processes. In the course, students will be introduced to the physical structure of the earth, earth materials, the nature and formation of major landform features on the earth’s surface, and the processes that continue to shape the landscape as rivers, oceans, glaciers, winds, earthquakes, volcanoes, and tsunamis.

Geography 103 is complementary to Geography 102. Neither course has any prerequisites. Neither course is a prerequisite for the other one.

GEOG 206: Geography of British Columbia

This course is designed to acquaint students with the physical, economic, historical, and human characteristics of the various regions in British Columbia.

GEOG 242: Regional Geography of Sub-Saharan Africa

This course provides a basic background in African geography, leading to discussion of contemporary issues. Topics include: physical geography (landscapes, climate, vegetation); human-environment interactions (forest degradation, desertification, sustainability); population dynamics (growth, distribution and migration); social issues (gender roles, the impact of AIDS); ‘development’ (ideology, economic & social progress); agriculture (traditional farming systems, cash crops); urban issues (urbanization processes, housing); and political geography (democratization, conflict). This course is designed to be offered in either regular classroom mode or as a field study, with similar content and evaluation criteria.