
MATH 099: Pre-Calculus II

This first-year course is designed to prepare students for calculus courses by teaching them to give the definition of a function; to list some basic properties of functions in general; and to distinguish several types of elementary functions, draw their graphs, list their properties and apply those properties in problem solving.

MATH 104: Differential Calculus for Business, Economics, Social Sciences

Study of derivatives and rates of exchange, exponential and trigonometric functions, Newton’s method, Taylor series, maxima and minima, and graphing.

Prerequisites: BC High school Calculus 12

MATH 105: Integral Calculus for Business, Economics and the Social Sciences

This course examines the concept of Integrals, Areas and Distances, The Definite Integral, The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, Indefinite Integrals and the Net Change Theorem, The Substitution Rule. Applications of integration, Areas between Curves, Volume, Volumes by Cylindrical Shells, Techniques of integration, Integration by Parts, Trigonometric Integrals, Trigonometric Substitution, Applications of integration to Economics and Biology.

Prerequisites: CCC MATH 104 or MATH 110+MATH111

MATH 110: Differential Calculus I

Functions, derivatives of basic functions, and implicit differentiation. CCC MATH 110 + CCC MATH 111 = CCC MATH 104.

MATH 111: Differential Calculus II

Applications of differentiation including optimization problems, curve sketching, and anti-derivatives.

Prerequisite: MATH 110 or equivalent.

MATH 230: Introduction to Finite Mathematics

This course develops an understanding of fundamental mathematical concepts from elementary number theory, elementary probability & statistics, and elementary geometry. It develops facility with fundamental mathematical practices such as problem solving, identifying patterns, using models, and reasoning and communicating. The course focuses on developing a healthy attitude about mathematics and the confidence to learn and do mathematics beyond this course.