Dr. Judith Scholes

Judith Scholes comes to St. Mark’s and Corpus Christi Colleges from the University of British Columbia, where she taught as a sessional lecturer in the Department of English Language and Literatures, as well as in Arts Studies in Research and Writing. She holds a PhD in English from UBC, and specializes in nineteenth-century American print culture, women’s poetry and editing, and Emily Dickinson.

As anyone who has taken a course with her can attest, Dr. Scholes loves thinking about context, bringing into her classroom the eclectic historical, cultural, and rhetorical worlds in which literature was produced and read. She is currently teaching academic writing, introduction to literary genres, and American literature at Corpus Christi College, where she helps students identify and develop their creative and critical inquiries.



Current Research Projects

Dr. Scholes is currently completing a book that examines the rhetoric of women’s poetry as it emerged in mid nineteenth century American periodicals, and shaped Emily Dickinson’s understanding and representation of herself as a poet.

She is also pursuing a new book-length project that investigates the existence and rhetoric of women’s editorial work at U.S. daily newspapers during the first 70 years (~1830-1900) of women’s presence in newsrooms.


Ph.D. in English, University of British Columbia (UBC), Vancouver BC | September 2015
M.A. in English, McMaster University, Hamilton ON | 2007
B.A. (Hons.) in English, summa cum laude, McMaster University, Hamilton ON | 2005
B.A. (Hons.) in Psychology, McMaster University, Hamilton ON | 2003

Selected Publications

“‘My business is to love’: Address and Affect in Emily Dickinson’s Circulated Poems.” The Handbook of Emily Dickinson, edited by Cristanne Miller and Karen Sánchez-Eppler, Oxford UP, forthcoming Fall 2020.

“Emily Dickinson and Fidelia Hayward Cooke’s Springfield Republican.” Emily Dickinson Journal, vol. 23, no. 1, 2014, pp. 1-31.

Selected Conference Presentations

“Receiving Emily: Dickinson’s Epistolary Poetics,” Canadian Comparative Literature Association: Poetics, Ideas, Structures: Situating the Poetic Object, Joint-Sponsored Panel, Association of Canadian College and University Teachers of English (ACCUTE) Conference, University of British Columbia, Vancouver BC. June 2019.

“Recovering the Unarchived: Newspaper Women in the Mid-Nineteenth-Century U.S.” Gender and the Archives Roundtable, Special Session, MLA Annual Convention, Vancouver BC. Jan. 2015.

“Emily Dickinson, Nineteenth-Century Women’s Poetry and Mrs. Cooke’s Springfield Republican.” Emily Dickinson International Society Conference, College Park MD. Aug. 2013.

“Discovering Fidelia Hayward Cooke.” What’s New in the Old: Archives Roundtable, The Society for the Study of American Women Writers Conference, Denver CO. Oct. 2012.

“American Women’s Poetry and Civil War Relief in The Drum Beat.” Northern Women and the Civil War Panel, The Society for the Study of American Women Writers Conference, Denver CO. Oct. 2012.

“Ethos and the Victorian Poetess in Nineteenth-Century American Women’s Poetry.” ACCUTE Conference, Fredericton NB. May 2011.

Previous Appointments

Sessional Lecturer, Dept. of English Language and Literatures, UBC, Vancouver BC
Sessional Lecturer, Arts Studies in Research and Writing, UBC, Vancouver BC

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