Dr. Paul Bucci

I am a designer and roboticist. I started in print design, worked in film, moved into designing fuzzy robots, and am now founding a startup that does large-scale document organization using AI. My academic interests are in building and studying human-machine interfaces that focus on meaningful or emotional interactions.  I have been teaching Computer Science at post-secondary schools such as UBC, BCIT, and Douglas College since 2017. I enjoy teaching students about computational and systems thinking because it gives a fascinating and structured way of viewing the world. 


Computer Science


BA in Visual Arts, BSc in Computer Science, MSc in Computer Science, PhD in Computer Science (expected Sept 2024)

Previous Appointments

COGS 401: Cognitive Systems Seminar, Sessional Lecturer, UBC 

COGS 200: Introduction to Cognitive Systems, Sessional Lecturer, UBC 

COMP 2800: Programming Project Course, Contract Faculty, BCIT 

COMP 2522: Object-Oriented Programming, Contract Faculty, BCIT 

COMP 7904: Narrative Approaches in Video Game Design, Contract Faculty, BCIT 

COMP 2522: Object-Oriented Programming, Contract Faculty, BCIT 

CSIS 2200: Systems Analysis and Design, Contract Faculty, Douglas College 

CPSC 100: Computational Thinking, Sessional Lecturer, UBC 

COGS 300: Understanding and Designing Cognitive Systems, Sessional Lecturer, UBC 

CPSC 344: Introduction to Human-Computer Interaction Methods, Sessional Lecturer, UBC 


X.L. Cang, R. R. Guerra, B. Guta, P. Bucci, L. Rodgers, H.Mah, Q. Feng, A. Agrawal, K. E. MacLean, “FEELing (key) Pressed: Implicit Touch Pressure Bests Brain Activity in Modelling Emotion Dynamics in the Space Between Stressed and Relaxed,” in IEEE Transactions on Haptics 2023. 

2023 P. Bucci, D. Marino, and I. Beschastnikh, “Affective Robots Need Therapy,” in Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction 2023. 

2022 X.L. Cang, R. R. Guerra, P. Bucci, et al. “Choose or Fuse: Enriching Data Views with Multi-label Emotion Dynamics,” in 2022 Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction. 

2021 L. Cang, P. Bucci, J. Rantala, and K. E. MacLean, “Discerning Affect from Touch and Gaze During Interaction with a Zoomorphic Robot Pet,” in Transactions on Affective Computing 2021. 

2020 H. Shakeri, H. Elbaggari, P. H. Bucci, R. Xiao, K. E. MacLean, “FoldMold: Automating Papercraft for Fast DIY Casting of Scalable Curved Shapes,” in Graphics Interface 2021. 

2019 P. H. Bucci, X.L. Cang, H. Mah, L. Rodgers, and K.E. MacLean, “Real Emotions Don’t Stand Still: Toward Ecologically Viable Representation of Affective Interaction,” in Affective Computing and Intelligent Interfaces 2019. 

2018 P. Bucci, L. Zhang, X.L. Cang, and K.E. MacLean, “Is it Happy? Behavioural and Narrative Frame 

Complexity Impact Perceptions of a Simple Furry Robot’s Emotions,” in CHI 2018. 

2017 D. Marino, P. Bucci, O. Schneider, and K.E. MacLean, “Voodle: vocal doodling to sketch affective robot motion,” in DIS 2017 [project page]. 

2017 P. Bucci, L. Cang, A. Valair, D. Marino, L. Tseng, M. Jung, J. Rantala, O. Schneider, and K. E. MacLean, “Sketching CuddleBits: Coupled Prototyping of Body and Behaviour for an Affective Robot Pet,” in CHI 2017 [project page]. 

2015 L. Cang, P. Bucci, A. Strang, J. Allen, K.E. MacLean, and H.Y.S. Liu, “Different Strokes for Different Folks: Economical Dynamic Surface Sensing; Recognition of Affective Touch and Toucher,” in ICMI 2015. 

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