Annual Fundraising Breakfast

Oct 9, 2019

You are invited to the 19th Annual Fundraising Breakfast in support of St. Mark’s College and Corpus Christi College.

The importance of Catholic higher education, which strives to meet our young people “where they are” on the journeys that are life and faith, is perhaps more important to the future of the church than it has ever been. This has been continuously stressed by Pope Francis, who encourages us to constantly be engaged in a spirit of encounter and dialogue, with each other, and with the world. We provide a Catholic centre at UBC and extensive education options while receiving no government funding.


Date: Saturday, October 5, 2019
Time: 9:00 a.m. Registration | 9:30 a.m. Breakfast Served
Location: Vancouver College Alumni Gym, 5400 Cartier Street, Vancouver


Archbishop Michael Miller is chief shepherd of Vancouver’s 430,000 Catholics.

He has served on the boards of schools, universities, health care institutions, and numerous professional and public service organizations. He is Grand Prior of the Western Canadian Lieutenancy of the Equestrian Order of the Knights of the Holy Sepulchre, a Conventual Chaplain of the Knights of Malta, and a 4th degree member of the Knights of Columbus.

As well as his positions as Chancellor and board member of St. Mark’s College and Corpus Christi College, Archbishop Miller is president of the Catholic Independent Schools of the Vancouver Archdiocese.

Reserve your seat


Contact Emily Dionisio, Development Support Officer
Email: [email protected] Phone: 604-822-5438


Online registration for the Breakfast

This is a free event. Official tax receipts are offered for donations.

Book your table of 10

•    Sponsor a table $1,000
•    Invite your guests
•    Portion of your gift will be receiptable according to CRA guidelines

Table sponsors receive the sponsor name and logo in the program and at your table.

Become an event sponsor

Event Sponsorship
$15,000 – Platinum
$10,000 – Gold
$5,000 – Silver
$2,500 – Bronze
$1,500 – Coffee Sponsor
$1,000 – Flower Sponsor

At this level, event sponsors receive highly visible acknowledgement. Additionally, event sponsors also receive a table to host their special guests.

Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze sponsors receive the following:
•    Prominent recognition on event display screens
•    Sponsor name and logo in program
•    For businesses, half-page corporate advertisement in program (*no tax receipt is issued)
•    Listing on event signage
•    Acknowledgements in event emails


Please contact Emily Dionisio, Development Support Officer
[email protected] or 604-822-5438.