Leadership announcement: President, Dr. Peter Meehan, will step down in June
Mar 13, 2020
Vancouver, BC – March 13, 2020. On behalf of the Board of Directors at Corpus Christi College-St. Mark’s College at UBC, we are writing to inform you that Dr. Peter Meehan has announced his resignation as President and Vice-Chancellor. After almost six years at the Catholic colleges at UBC, he will depart at the end of June to become the President and Vice-Chancellor at St. Jerome’s University at the University of Waterloo in Ontario.
Peter joined the colleges in August 2014 and has been an agent of growth and a wonderful asset to our institution. During his tenure, Peter has worked with the board, staff and faculty to realize our strategic plan, Be at the Centre, and its goals, including:
- creating our new identity as the Community of St. Mark’s at UBC, including Corpus Christi, St. Mark’s and St. Mark’s Parish, as the “vibrant Catholic centre of the UBC”, meeting students “where they are” in their academic and faith journeys;
- increasing our student body to more than 1,000 full- and part-time students (from about 150 students in 2014);
- developing a close working relationship with the Society of Jesus (Jesuit Fathers) as we pursue an Ignatian Endorsement Agreement for the Colleges; and
Peter has expressed leaving the colleges as being bittersweet.
“My time at the colleges has presented me with some of the greatest challenges and the greatest joys of my professional life. I have had the privilege of knowing and working with so many good people who believe in and support our mission. After being founded by the Basilian Fathers more than 60 years ago, this community has been through so much. But here we are in 2020, stronger than ever,” he said.
“I have always been inspired by important work. It connects us in ways both small and large with the unfolding of God’s plan. From the day I arrived in 2014, I have been deeply aware that God has been with this community, and that put the Holy Spirit at our back, inspiring us to overcome our challenges and to reach for new heights!”
Peter wishes to share his gratitude.
“I am profoundly grateful to so many I have come to know here as colleagues, as Board members and donors and friends. Corpus Christi/St. Mark’s has been and will continue to be a community that works together towards the realization of its mission here at UBC and in the Archdiocese of Vancouver,” he said.
“I am particularly grateful to Archbishop Miller, whose friendship and support has been unwavering, and to the Sisters of St. Ann, whose generosity and vision made possible our first endowed chair, the Marie Anne Blondin Chair in Theology. I’m thankful for the St. Mark’s Leadership Circle, including Peter Bull, Angus Reid, Andy Szocs and the Archdiocese of Vancouver who have shown such a remarkable commitment to the Colleges, and made possible the creation of the St. Mark’s Centre for Christian Engagement, which strives to respond to Pope Francis’ call for a new spirit of encounter and engagement with the world. It’s also been a pleasure working with the Vancouver School of Theology to continue to advance the important roles that the affiliated theological colleges have to play at UBC.”
The Board will conduct a search for the next leader of Corpus Christi College-St. Mark’s College at UBC. During this time of transition, we count on your continued support so that the young people we serve can count on us. Please join us in thanking Peter for his dedication and in wishing him continued success in his new career.
Kerilee Falloon, Communications, St. Mark’s College at UBC
[email protected]